Friday, July 12, 2013

Crafts for kids

Have you been having lots of adventures these holidays? Why not turn them into artistic adventures or memories? Maybe you could make it part of your quiet time activities that the children and you create something after you have been out exploring.
Activitiy suggestions:
Journal: Depending on your child's age ask them to draw or write down something they really liked about each day. 
Scrapbook: Create a scrapbook to record something they did in the holidays or anytime.  Ask them questions and write down the answers. Remember the basic Who, Why Where When  How and What as in Who went with you and Where you went and Why you went there, etc.  Write their answers in the scrapbook and add collected brochures or even photos. They could draw something about the activity on a separate sheet which could be glued in. They could cut pictures out of brochures to glue in the scrapbook.

Make a book: Why not take the scrapbook/ journal idea one step further and actually make it rather than buy it? Here are directions for eight books that you to make.
These are great activities in themselves but you may also be creating a treasured keepsake or a great gift for grandma or grandpa.

crafts for kids
Thankyou Susan for this great photo
Susan has a great book for teachers called Multicultural Books to Make and Share

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